LG SoundBar Making Buzzing Noise?-Reasons and Solutions!
Whether you’re listening to music or watching movies, a buzzing noise causes quite a disturbance. It hampers the total experience.
So, why is your LG soundbar making buzzing noise?
Your LG Soundbar will make buzzing sounds if the cables used to attach it are damaged. You’ll also hear the buzzing sound if the internal components are loose or there is a system glitch. Make sure to check if the audio driver needs an update or if the content itself is low-quality.
But, that’s not all. Keep on reading the whole article to know everything in detail.

LG Soundbar Buzzing Noise-Reasons and Fixes!
The buzzing sound from your soundbar may occur due to both internal and external issues. All these issues and their solutions are listed below:
Reason 1: AUX Cable Disturbance
One of the most used cables in connecting soundbars are 3.5 mm AUX cable. But these cables have their problems. Sometimes the ports aren’t properly connected to the TV and the soundbar.
If tangled with other wires, these cables might cause disturbance. It also causes problems when the sound level is adjusted from the TV.
Fix 1: Keep Soundbar Cables Separate
Check if your AUX cables are tangled with other cables, especially the power supply cable. If so, try to keep them separate and on one side. Also, make sure that they are properly connected to the ports.
Fix 2: Use Ground Loop Isolator
If you can still hear the sound, connect a ground loop isolator. It’s an adaptor you can use between your TV and soundbar. This will eliminate any buzzing noise you still have.

Fix 3: Use HDMI or Digital Optical Cable
Switch to HDMI or a Digital optical cable if you still can’t solve the issue. These cables are generally much less prone to buzzing noise. You can watch these videos for the best HDMI and digital optical cable options:
Reason 2: Faulty HDMI Cable
Even if you use an HDMI cable, you’ll hear buzzing sounds if the cable is damaged. You might even get no sound from the HDMI connection. Inspect the HDMI cable to see if it is damaged.
If you can’t find any external damage, run a self-diagnosis test for each HDMI cable. In the device you’re using, access settings to find the diagnosis test options. If your HDMI cable is bad, the results will confirm its failure.
Fix: Replace HDMI cable
If the HDMI cable is bad, the best option is to replace it. Make sure to choose the right HDMI cable from the video above. Then you can watch this video to see how to set up your soundbar using HDMI cables:
Reason 3: System Glitch
Sometimes there might be a glitch in the soundbar system. This isn’t a major issue. A simple reset can solve the problem.
Fix: Reset LG Soundbar
Follow these steps to reset your LG soundbar:
- First, press the input and Bluetooth buttons for 10 seconds. On the soundbar, notice a blinking light or a beep sound. Once you hear it, the soundbar has been successfully reset.
- If that doesn’t work, hold down the power and Bluetooth button for 10 seconds.
- Lastly, you can try the third option. Hold down the power and volume Down buttons for 10 seconds.
You’ll need a factory reset if your soundbar still doesn’t reset. For that disconnect your soundbar from all the devices. Then power it off by disconnecting the cables from the outlet. Wait for a few seconds and simply turn it back on. Reconnect with other devices.
You can also try to update your LG soundbar.
Reason 4: Sympathetic Harmonic Resonance
Sympathetic resonance occurs when a vibratory body responds to other external vibrations. Over time the internal parts of your soundbar may come loose.
This gap causes the internal parts of the soundbar to vibrate with the sound waves. Thus, you can hear a buzzing sound.
Fix: Isolate The Gap and Fill it with Cotton
To fix the issue, open up your Sound Bar to see if there are any loose components. Tighten up any screws if they’re loose. If a part of the frame is detached, use electrical tape, Silicon sealant, or plastic glue.
If you see small gaps where the vibrations occur, fill it up using cotton batting.
Reason 5: Outdated Audio Drive
Sometimes the device your Soundbar is connected to might be faulty. If the device has a faulty audio drive, you’ll hear a buzzing sound from your soundbar. To check if your audio drive is faulty, follow these steps:
- Launch Device Manager. Then right-click on the Devices and select Properties.
- From there, use the Windows hardware Diagnostic tool to perform the audio testing.
If there are any issues with your audio driver then it will be shown in the results.
Fix: Update Audio Driver
If the audio drive needs an update, The solution is easy. From your devices driver tab choose the sound controller device. Then update the sound driver from the downloads web page of the PC’s support menu.
If there’s a problem while updating, then reinstall the driver.
Reason 9: Buzzy Content
If the content itself is of low quality, you’ll hear a buzzing sound. It has nothing to do with your soundbar or device.
Fix: Download or Stream Higher Quality Content
The simplest solution is to download higher-quality content. Also, be sure to use safe websites to download your content.
Fix: Remove Humming Noise from Content
If you can’t download alternative content, then fix the one you have. Here you can watch this video to learn how to remove Humming sounds from audio:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Should you play the LG soundbar with a maximum sound limit?
No, playing speakers to the maximum limit can burn or destroy the whole circuit of the soundbar. So, avoid testing its limits.
Why does the LG soundbar create a crackling sound?
The crackling sound is the output we get due to the interruption and disturbance of another device. Check if your mobile’s Bluetooth is on. If you’ve connected the soundbar to the TV via this wireless connection, it’ll cut the sound.
What does a blown soundbar sound like?
Aap loan soundbar will make a scrapping or scratching sound. This happens when the voice soil rubbers the magnet. This deformity occurs when the components are overheated and melted out of shape.
Bottom Line!
Hope you loved reading our article about LG soundbar making buzzing noise. Still, we’ve got one last piece of information for you. After disconnecting your soundbar if you still hear buzzing sounds don’t assume it’s a content issue. The transformer of your TV power supply might also be faulty. Thank you!